About CBRNCL Library and Information Center
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Institution has a well equipped library. It has leading Indian and Foreign Journals. Constituent Assembly Debates, Law Commission Reports, law Reports, Commentaries, Encyclopedia and adequate books on both legal and other social sciences. Book bank facilities are being offered to SC, ST and other backward class students.


Sl. No Collection Numbers
1 Text Books 26979
2 Reference Books 12000
3 Issue Books 14979
4 e-Books 03
5 Journals 20
6 e-Journals 03
7 Digital Database 01
8 CD & Video 33
9 Back Volumes 3,022


   Student Memberships
Membership is open to all the students who got their admission to UG studies and PG programme in our college.

   Teacher membership
Membership is open to all the permanent and guest faculty of the college

   Research scholar Membership
Membership is open to the research scholars who registered for Ph. D., in our Research Center.

   Administrative Membership
The Library facilities are also made available to the administrative staff of the college. Staff can make use of general books and general magazines of the library.

   Management Membership
The members of the National Education Society may also avail the library facility.

   Facilities and Services

   Borrowing Facility
Document delivery service is being provided for the user community to dissimilate right information at right time to right user for right purpose. The users of the CBRNCL library can borrow books for a period of 15 days. Two borrower’s tickets will be issued to students and for Non - teaching staff and can borrow two books at a time. Fifteen tickets will be issued to the Faculty and Research Scholars to borrow the books from the library and return the same after period of 15 days. Users are informed to return / renew the borrowed books on or before due date to prevent the penalty of overdue charges. Special library services will be provided to the meritorious students of the college.

   SC / ST Book Bank Facility
The student who belongs to SC / ST and Other economically Weaker section can avail SC / ST book bank facility. Fair number of text books will be issued to each student for a period of one academic year in the cognitive subjects.

   OPAC Facility
Online Public Access Catalogue facility is being offered to the user community of the college in order to provide first hand information about the availability and location of the reading materials. Users can reserve the required reading material and the same will be issued on queue basis system.

   Photocopy Facility
The library members can avail the photocopy facility within the library building at nominal charges.
   Extra book facilities to meritorious students.
An extraordinary boosting service is provided to the students by taking special risk by the library. Under this scheme, the top scorers in each class in a semester will get extra 4 to 5 Books. Our library is providing this service to 50 to 60 students every semester.

   New arrivals Display
Some selected titles of new books acquired by the library are displayed on “New Arrival Stand” for the benefit of the readers.

   Bulletin board/ Wall Magazine (C A S)
For the benefit of the students, information broachers of institutional for further studies, employment opportunities, personality development skills, News Papers clipping etc., are put on the bulletin board. The library has a ‘Wall Magazine’ where the student can exhibit their talents by writing some articles and cartoons etc.,

   Reference Service
The Library is extending reference and referral services to the users of the library. Most of the reference oriented Text books and General books have been kept in reference and active stack area for reference only by the users of the library.

   Orientation Programme
In order to create an awareness among the fresh U.G and P.G. students about the proper utilization of the library and its resources and services; to give first hand information about the library and to provide them a closer acquaintance and more familiarity about various aspects of the library system, the Library is being organized the Library Orientation Programme. This programme is an educative and informative and also bridges the gap between the library staff and user clients.

This Programme educates users about the physical arrangement and organization of the collection, its functions and services both traditional and modern services like CD-ROM, INTERNET & e-Journals Consortium of UGC INFLIBNET - N List. This programme helps the user community to utilize the available resources, services and facility to the maximum extent.

   Inter-Library Loan
The library used to get some resources on Inter Library Loan basis from other sister concern libraries as requested by our users. The books of our library will be sent to various other libraries on Inter Library Loan as per the request from other institutions.

   Library Hours
The library will be kept open from 09.00 am to 5.00 pm in all the working days, where as it functions form 09.00 am to 2.00 pm on Saturday

   Computerized library catalogue
The library catalogue serves as a key to the collection of the library and an index to subjects. This helps the readers to know what books are available in the library
a) by given author,
b) by a given subjects,
c) by a given title etc.,

with the computer application to the library operations. The database of books is prepared and bar coded according to “e-lib Software”. The users can search the computerized database OPAC or the traditional catalogue cards arranged subject wise/ author wise to know what information sources are available in the library on the areas of their interest..

   Library Administration
Sri. Patrick Paul Lobo,
Library Assistant
C Bhemsen Rao National College of Law, Shivamogga.-577201

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